
Parallel Universes, Dimensions, or Worlds?

In my own words, I've always wondered about what is beyond. I'd
always add in the "What ifs" and "Could be's" to just about anything
the human mind had no capacity to conceive of. After all, anything is

To think or protest otherwise, is just absolutely selfish humanly
speaking. Who are we to say that we are the only living beings...
organisms in the entire vast universe? It is already clear we are not.
Look at all of the discovered, and recently discovered animals, mamals,
insects and other bugs. There are micro organisms we are unaware of,
and some we are still discovering and studying to try and understand.
So, why not other races of beings?!

I refuse to say "other races of intelligent beings", because...who
are we to say that other species of animals etc. aren't intelligent?
They are in their own way. And in their own way, create things
like homes etc. to survive, dams...they even have their own
language. And I am sure, if we took just as much time to try and
learn to speak/listen to understand their language, as much as
we aim to learn another cultures language, I believe we may be
surprised just what our minds are capable of!! No wonder a portion
of it is unused. Would we even be able to handle what we are truly
capable of? Probably not. We aren't ready, and people are too
damn distructive to hold that kind of power.

I've read somewhere, how they claim there are about 2 Universes.
I said to myself, "What?!" Are you kidding me? There is no way to
count the universe, let alone how many there are, along with the vast
amount of stars, nebula, black holes, galaxies, moons, suns, planets...

You see! Humans can be so full of themselves! It's a sad shame those
that make the rest of the human race look bad, keep us all from reaching
a full enlightened state of consciousness, that I believe we should be at.

What if those "aliens" are here to check us out...the progress of a once
primitive race when they first left? And here they are again, to only
see how the primitive and savage seems to be the only part of our
species that has become a little more dominant, evolved, enlightened...
whatever you wish to call it.

We are destrying this planet, and all that is in it. We are destroying
ourselves. And they may be here to rectify that. Maybe to clean the slate!
Maybe to see just what damage we have done, that is possibly affecting the
balance in all of life's nature and scheme of things. And I speak Universally there.

That makes sense to me. And frankly, I would not blame another race for
being pissed off at our race. If we are a universal threat, who are we
to dare and fight for survival, when there are those humans who would
just as soon, destroy others, as they are already. And the natural resources
that was gifted to us to use...not abuse!

So...I believe other races do exist. I believe they have already mastered
travel faster than the speed of light. And I believe they have always been
coming here. I also believe there are more races of people from other
interdimensional worlds, that maybe even parallel our own...I believe
those people use portals possibly, to travel from where they are to

Anything is possible. And IF our race is to soon be dealt with and
chatised in some way...well...it is what it is.