
Nibiru Info (fact/hoax)

Some people believe the coming of a solar system known to some
as Nibiru. It is also called "Planet X", due to the formation of the planets
and moons that are included in it's solar system. This system of heavenly
bodies, are also known as "The Traveling Planets", "The 12th/10th Planet"
(called by this name, due to rumors that it is alegedly the planet just
outside of our S.S., behind Jupiter), and "Wormwood".

The name, "Planet X" was given because of the appearance of
the solar system it resides in. Where neighboring planets and moons
are placed in such a way from Nibiru itself, outward on 4 different
sides of her. This solar system would appear to form an X, where
Nibiru would be it's center. Sort of like an X with a circle in the
middle. Only the circle is much larger than it's 4 legs (moons & planets).

The name, "Traveling Planet" was given due to how the solar system
moves. Unlike our own solar system (and the way each of our planets
orbit and rotate), Nibiru's solar system is said to move in an oval
rotation, which passes through our solar system every 3600 years
(according to Sumerian Cuniform Text). So this entire solar system
moves together, in an oval movement. Then once it comes through
our own, Nibiru itself would follow it's regularly scheduled path under
our Sun, and vear up and over, along with it's neighboring planets &

However, some pictures show different case scenarios, and other formations
of this solar system.

The name, "Wormwood" is mentioned in the Bible, and other religiouns
and cultures, as part of a prophecy where a Comet bearing this name
impacts our own planet, destroying a third of our planets natural resources.

"Nibiru" means, 'Planet of the Crossing'. A planet whose existence is not
scientifically supported, and is considered by skeptics as a conspiracy
theory, hypothetical, or myth.

Now there is a lot of speculation on both sides as to what will/will not happen
the closer this event is said to occur, during and after. Sumerian literature
on stone tablets have described our own solar system to a T, and the
presence of what they believed to be 'godlike', due to these beings abilities,
and power. I will explain soon about these beings.

According to people today, and those in prerecorded time (Sumerians),
this planet causes the Earth to stop it's rotation for approx. 3 days, as
Nibiru continues on it's course past us, then under our Sun. Causing
then, massive natural catastrophies and disasters (i.e. Enormous
Tsunami's, Earthquakes, Tornadoes, and Vocanic Eruptions). Once the
planet begins again it's rotation (which is said could most likely be
altered after this event), this would cause winds of up to 300mph!
All on a massive scale, simulataneously! The Day After Tomorrow
Kind of scale!

Additionally, these Sumerian texts include how Nibiru is inhabited
by a race of beings called, Anunaki (or Nephilim). Being who apparently
are our original creators, who genetically engineered us, and manipulated
our DNA from themselves. The Anunaki did this, alegedly to engineer
us and breed us as slaves for them, to mine gold etc., for their own
survival or whatever. These ancient texts are few and far between,
due to little known of the Sumer People. The texts only few
are able to decipher. Among them,
Zecharia Sitchin.

The event is said to take place December 21,
2012. Where the Roman
Calendar (we go by now) has minus 2 years taken off due to the
Maya Calendar Prophecies and said events, as well as in relation to
the numbers 666. Which a Roman Ruler and an Early Catholic
Priest, decided to destroy a majority of Maya's scrolls and history
with fire. The Roman Ruler (out of guilt), alegedly managed to
salvage/save a majority of their history, and rewrote it. Trying
to make sure he did not intermix his own beliefs falsely with theirs.
The Priest asked him to change their calendar, and rewrite it by
removing 2 years from it. This is the birth of the Roman Calendar.
Placing us, technically, in the year 2011, instead of 2009.

NASA Scientists deny the occurence of such an event, let alone the
existence of such a planet/solar system. You can go to the Official
NASA site, and search to read many questions inquiring this topic,
as well as the answers from their scientists.

I encourage all to first research, before speculating or believing
based on what rumors say, or any claims within/without. Before
you debunk, research. And once you find no evidence, approach believers
with respect, not aggression & violent attack! I have seen so many do this,
and this causes many not to hear you out. And before you choose to
believe in anything, research as well. And the same suggestion of approach
would be advised.

More on this and other topics will be posted periodically. So please, come
back and check us out. Thanks:)

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